Accio Potterheads! We are embarking on a nostalgic journey of reliving the “Harry Potter series”, blended with the charm of art! Known for the layered character development, complex yet familiar themes, adventures and unparalleled contributions to the magic world, Hogwarts history has an unending appeal. Experience the story again and immerse yourself in our “Yule Ball themed Sip and Paint Session.”
Celebrated as an enchanting evening of elegance, mystery, and wonder, the ball brings together students from all Houses for a night of dancing, feasts, and festive cheer.
The workshop will include:
- A magical sorting ceremony to assign you to your Hogwarts House as we utter, “Sorting hat, decide!”
- A detailed guided painting session inspired by the Yule Ball’s enchanting atmosphere perfect for wizards and witches of all artistic levels. "Alohomora!" Unlock your creativity.
- A chance to channel your imagination as you paint your own masterpiece.
Additionally, the session will include:
- Butterbeer and theme-based treats straight from the wizarding world.
- Surprises throughout the evening, sure to leave you “Expecto Patronum!” in awe.
- House points and prizes for winners of a fun quiz game, where "Riddikulus!" answers could win you the prize.
All materials for the workshop are included in the ticket and will be provided to you, so come ready to create magic because what else can be more magical than artistic powers?!